Family Therapy: Universal and Unique Approaches to Solving Problems

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Video Transcription:

Male Speaker:             So, when you hear that Jenny, what’s your reaction?

Female Speaker:         Definitely hurt and I feel like some of my efforts are ignored.

Male Speaker:             Okay, so hurt and feeling like you’re not appreciated –

Female Speaker:         Yeah.

Male Speaker:             – as much.

Female Speaker:         Yeah.

Male Speaker:             And Brian, what do you hear when you hear that?

Male Speaker 2:          Well, I just know that there’s some disagreement between the two of them and I just want Jenny to do things that don’t aggravate my mother.

Male Speaker:             Okay, so you’d like some more harmony and less aggravation?

Male Speaker 2:          Yes.

Male Speaker:             Okay.  So, let me get an idea of an idea of what happens at particular times of day.  One of the things that I’d like to kind of know is what happens after dinner on a typical day when you eat dinner together?

[End of Audio]